I was on my way home from Surrey (gotta renew my passport) when I remembered I needed groceries and also I was hungry and craving sushi. Across the walkway in Safeway at the New Westminster station is a sushi place called Togo Sushi. I'm not sure if It's supposed to be pronounced To Go sushi or if Togo is a Japanese name for something... but I decided to give them a try.

When I entered the restaurant, it reminded me of a fast food joint/ food court kind of thing because you order the sushi at the counter and then you take the food you ordered and you sit at the tables and eat it rather than having the waiter/waitress bring the food to you.

A fast look at their menu shows that the prices are average. $6.95 for a donburi, and the range of $1 to $2 for nigiri around Vancouver is considered average (In my opinion anyway). I decided to grab something small and simple (watching for calories because I am also craving some Starbucks). I grabbed an avocado roll. At $2.50 for 6 pieces it was a pretty good deal. The pieces themselves weren't big though. The taste was pretty fair, nothing too special.
I did appreciate the fact that the cashier asked me if I wanted ginger or wasabi. The thing with Japanese restaurants is that they all assume you are going to eat ginger and wasabi with the sushi, but the truth is, I don't think many eat the ginger or even wasabi! So it would be quite a waste of food. That said, the cashier was funny too, she gave me a raised eyebrow when I asked for an extra pair of chopsticks (because I was thinking of sharing the sushi with my mom)/
I think I understand why the place is called ToGo sushi, I've noticed that all of the sushi is served in takeout containers (Styrofoam), and is targeted towards customers who are on the go. That said, if I'm around the area I will definitely come back again. Their website is www.togosushi.ca
I love sushi a lot. I mostly eat it everyday. I am more happy to find out best sushi rice band last week. I will made it at home more easy.