Birthday Free Stuff

Did you know that you get free stuff with your birthday? I recently celebrated my birthday and being the thrifty person that I am... I am always on the lookout for birthday deals.  It usually requires either signing up for a newsletter, but there are places where you can go by just showing your ID. Scared of receiving a bunch of promo email? Don't worry, you can bypass this by either creating a separate email for you birthday (and checking it on your birthday month).  So get your ID ready, and gooo! (List is updated June 2017). This list is not comprehensive, but just the ones I checked out. Here you go:

Since I am in Canada, most of the freebies are in Canada. The interesting thing is that many of these locations offer you freebies for a week before and after your birthday.. so there are only

Sometimes I hop across the border and sign-up for things... here are freebies from the USA :

For more USA freebies.. check out this impressive list:

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