During our competition at the Thunderbird flying fields, the event organizers recognized that the competition teams would not have time to get food, so they got catering done for everyone. This was about 200-300 people worth of food. What they got were these lunch boxes from Jason's Deli (Sorry, I do not know the exact location that they got it from, but I assumed it's this one because it's relatively close to the flying field).

What I really liked about Jason's Deli was that the lunch was all neatly packed inside a box. For all of the lunch boxes, they came with a bag of chips, a piece of pickle, a chocolate chip cookie and a sandwich. I got the vegetarian option because I wanted a something that was healthier. It's really funny because the vegetarian option came with baked chips instead of the regular chips, while the other meat options had the deep fried chips. It seems like whoever makes these meals also assume that vegetarians are also health nuts. There is nothing wrong with it, I actually like the assumption, but I just find it funny.

When it comes to the sandwich, for the vegetarian option, I was surprised when I opened it and found a mushroom burrito. I never had raw mushrooms before, let alone seeing it in a burrito. When I took the first bite, I immediately fell in love with it. The feta cheese and the spinach really brings out the flavour inside the burrito and it was really good. The funny thing was that the event organizers bought extra portions of the food and they gave them to our team because no on wanted them. While everyone took the cookies (which by the way was amazing) and chips, I took the burritos. Even though I felt a bit fat after eating 3 or 4 burritos, but it was fantastic. If anyone is looking for catering, I highly recommend this place.
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